(Kenmore)Skandia Midsommarfest

(Kenmore)Skandia Midsommarfest
Next Date
Last Date
June 25-26, 2021
June 30th, 2019
Official Site
(Kenmore)Skandia Midsommarfest
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Skandia's Virtual Midsommarfest Marketplace 2021

Skandia's special event website will be live

from 6 pm, June 25th through 6 pm June 27th.


Re: vendors for Midsommarfest 2021


Jay Palmer

SENT: Tue 6/22/2021 1:10 PM

Here are 2 images - one is a moving GIF - for your website.

I just applied online.


Jay Palmer









HI Jay ... I am so sorry I did not reply sooner! My apologies for your email getting lost in my inbox.

Yes, I have received your check and application and you are in! Thank you so much! The check should get cashed sometime next week.

You can set up your booth on Saturday if you like, after 10am, however you will likely have plenty of time to setup on Sunday morning. You may arrive anytime after 8am on Sunday but your vehicle must be off the grass by 10:30. One vehicle per vendor please. My phone number is 206-235-3419 which you may call or text if you get lost. When you enter St Edwards park, take the right at the first Y intersection which will turn you towards the ball field and buildings. Go about a short block worth and take the left that is just past the ball field. If you see a gate across the road it will not be locked but please close it behind you if you come in on Sat. On Sunday it may be left open. Follow that road around past the childrens play field and as you come in front of the Seminary building you will see folks on the grassy area on the left. The vendor area is on the far side. Drive towards that area and someone will check in with you. Because of the construction these directions may change but I will update you closer to June 30.

Thanks again for being a vendor! I look forward to meeting you.


Penny Curtis

Vendor Coordinator

Skandia Midsommarfest






2019_05_15 - Mailed app and check.


2019_05_13 - Hello and my apologies for the confusion about my recalled message. What my email program said to me lead me to believe that you all had gotten the message. I am so sorry for the confusion! Thank you so much for your persistence!

Please find the application attached. If you would like to participate but find something makes it difficult for you, please let me know and we will see what can be done. I look forward to seeing you soon!


Penny Curtis

Vendor Coordinator

Skandia Midsommarfest



Penny Curtis-Skandia Midsommarfest 2019

18528 28th Ave NE

Lake Forest Park, WA 98155




I have been trying to get in touch with someone about vending at the Skandia Midsommarfest 2019.

Please let me know you have a space for me or if I shouldn't bother to apply.

According to my records, I posted on your website on Feb. 28th.

I got an email with a form but then it was retracted. - Can I get a new one or are you closed to vendors?


-- Jay Palmer



Skandia Midsommarfest--June 30, 2019


Hello: thank you so much for your interest in participating in Skandia Midsommarfest 2019. In two months we will be raising the Midsommar pole for the 61st time. This year is also Skandia Folkdance Society’s 70th anniversary!


I have attached the vendor application. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to facilitate your participation. I look forward to seeing you in June.


Penny Curtis

Vendor Coordinator

Skandia Midsommarfest 2019





I'd like to enquire about your 6/30/2019 (Kenmore) Skandia Midsommarfest.

I am a local author. 8 of my 13 novels are about Vikings, and I have kids books as well. My books can be seen at my website: http://jaypalmerbooks.com

My merchant's tent is decorated and I'm a regular merchant at the Midsummer Ren Festival and other events.

Please let me know if you have space and any costs involved.


--Jay Palmer




6/30 (Kenmore) Skandia Midsommarfest, 11 a.m.–6 p.m.

St. Edward State Park

14445 Juanita Drive NE, Kenmore, WA 98028.

Email Scandinavian events items to skandia.editor@gmail.com, for example, items for the July issue must arrive by 10 June. Please include date, time, cost, location, contact phone number, and/or email address. For changes or updates to web site items please email the Skandia Webmaster. Priority is given to local Scandinavian dance and music events.



PO Box 17123

Seattle, WA 98127-0823

For telephone information, call (425) 954-5262







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