You found the Paper dolls!
Paper dolls are figures cut out of paper or thin card, and some have separate clothes, also made of paper, that are usually held onto the dolls by folding tabs. Paper dolls may be a figure of a person, animal or inanimate object. Paper dolls have been inexpensive children's toys for almost two hundred years. Today, many artists are turning paper dolls into an art form.
Paper dolls have been around as long as there has been paper. Paper dolls have been used for advertising, appeared in magazines and newspapers, and covered a variety of subjects and time periods. They have become highly sought-after collectibles, especially as vintage paper dolls become rarer due to the limited lifespan of paper objects. Paper dolls are still being created today.
In Europe, particularly France, paper dolls appeared during the mid-18th century with jointed arms and legs. They were drawn or painted like people with fashions for each doll.
Vintage paper dolls with hand-painted artwork are becoming increasingly rare due to paper aging issues. They have become collectible, and the prices for mint uncut sets can be between $100 and up to over $500 for a sought after title. A paper doll convention is held every year in the United States, with hundreds of attendees.