A new photographic solution reveals human souls!

Discovering a photographic solution that reveals human souls arising from the dying, Tom, an uneducated veteran raised in the backstreets of London, is thrust into the environs of Britain's wealthiest elites. Joining with opulent and proper Marcia, England's wisest, aged patroness, Tom must quickly overcome his bohemian lifestyle and adopt the strict, formal manners of British royal society.

A photographic discovery allows four adventurers to trace human souls to their ultimate destination!

Led by two preeminent scientists, Thaddeus and Euphorus, the companions travel the globe, taking photos of escaping souls. Triangulating their misty routes, the companions seek to locate and explore the final destination of freed human souls. Yet formal manners prove to be mortal obstacles in primeval lands. Hunted by savage beasts, Tom must force his wealthy companions to abandon their accustomed manners. Their quest drops them into primitive societies where even Britain's best manners can't equal older social customs.

Despite objections, they continue to photograph unfortunates succumbing to mortality. As they near their goal, success seems certain ... until they arrive. Will revelation of their discovery resolve the world's disputes or spark a religious war to destroy all civilizations? The fate of Earth's future depends on four learned companions as they face the most-unexpected SteamPunk eternal doom.

SteamPunk explores Philosophy
in a fun, exciting adventure!

(Souls of Steam is appropriate for younger teenagers or older.
They are written at the same level as Treasure Island,
Harry Potter (1 - 3), or Xanth, with appropriate but
muted violence, simple romantic allusions,
and no sexual content.)