As you enter the cave, the wide opening behind you seals shut, trapping you inside.Standing there is the flashy, toothy-grinning troll whom you met before, illuminated by a shining lantern, which lies atop a beautiful suit of silver mail."Why, hello there!" he grins, performing a bow. "For a human, you are indeed persistent! I thought that you'd be dead by now! As a reward for your courage and cleverness, I'll trade your Bronze helmet and Leather armor for this beautiful suit of Mail, and you can take the lantern to help you proceed."Behind him is his escape hole. |
Items carried:AxeBronze helmet
Leather armorYour options:
Ask Troll how long it will take to get out of these woods.
Trade Bronze helmet and Leather armor for suit of Mail.
Take shining lantern.
Attack Troll with Axe.